What this blog is for

Items that don't get published in Beelines, photos that are interesting but for which there is not enough room in Beelines, minutes of meetings that are too dull/long to report in Beelines.

Tuesday 28 December 2010

Podcast from Phil Chandler

The subject of Phil's latest podcast is Dr Henk Tennekes, who was born in The Netherlands, and after graduating from the Agricultural University of Wageningen in 1974, he performed his Ph.D. work at Shell Research Ltd in the UK. He later worked for 5 years at the Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg, Germany.

The culmination of Dr Tennekes' research was his recent discovery that the way the neonicotinoid insecticides work has much in common with that of chemical carcinogens - cancer-causing agents.

When he realized the dire consequences of environmental pollution with these insecticides, he decided to write a book to warn the general public about an impending catastrophe.

The title of Dr Tennekes book is: The Systemic Insecticides - a Disaster in the Making. You can read more about him and his book at www.disasterinthemaking.com

This is an issue that should concern all beekeepers, everywhere. Neonicotinoids are being sprayed on a wide range of crops worldwide, and right now they could be putting at risk a number of species of insects, as well as the birds, fish and other creatures that depend on insects for food.

We could just sit back and let this happen. But then, what are you going to tell your grandchildren when they ask, "Where have all the bees gone?"

You can listen to Phil's interview with Henk Tennekes at http://biobees.libsyn.com or search for 'Barefoot Beekeeper' on iTunes.

Beekeeping for Beginners

Beekeeping for Beginners

A six-week introduction to beekeeping to be held at the National Trust Manger Barn, Lacock High St, Lacock.

Cost £40

31st March, 7th, 14th, 16th, 21st, 23rd, April, 7th May 2011 Thursday 7.30pm – 9.30pm & Saturday 10.30am – 1.00pm

The course will include:
  • Getting to know the Honey Bee,
  • Honey Bee Husbandry,
  • The Beekeeping Year,
  • Diseases that can affect the Honey Bee,
  • Equipment for the Beekeeper
  • Practical Honey Bee Handling

Limited to 25 Places

For more information call 07 800 608 652 or email Patrick Anderson

Saturday 11 December 2010

Dismal end to the season

I have gone into winter with just three colonies.

Three weak ones were destroyed by wasps.

So I have two WBC hives for sale. Any offers before they go to ebay?

I will cut down the number of types of hive that I operate from three to two: Commercial and Polyhive.

Keeping more than one type of frame format is barmy - it just happened that way. So now I need to rationalise.

Next job: dose the hives with Oxalic acid. I did this last year and the bees survived. Would they survive anyway? Dunno. Do they have a big varroa infestation? I don't think so. But I'll follow the prescribed treatment.

News from the home hive: the weather has just warmed up to about 8C. A few bees are on cleansing flights and there are quite a few bodies on the landing board, so they have had a clean-out.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Planned meetings

Thanks to Martin Ellis for this.

29th November a talk on Bees Abroad by John Bee ( His real name)

No meeting in December.

January 31st Another chance to see the acclaimed film ' The Vanishing of the Bees' Also open to any other bee groups.

28th of February.The art how to make mead by Bob Needs. ( Of Needs Meads)

BBKA gives in to pressure and will cease to endorse pesticides

Follow this link for the original. Thanks to Phil Chandler and Deborah S-M for the tip-off.


As an educational charity, the BBKA is primarily concerned with the health and welfare of honey bees and seeks to educate, inform and influence all parts of society including beekeepers, the public and industry about honey bees. Over time, a number of arrangements has been made between the BBKA and third parties, who have been attracted to entering into relationships with the BBKA for a variety of reasons, but all of which have been agreed on the basis they will deliver benefits to honey bees. It is necessary to review strategically the appropriateness of these relationships from time to time to ensure that they continue to be relevant, effective and indeed do deliver the intended benefits.

Usually such arrangements have meant the granting or licensing of the use of the BBKA logo (which is a registered trade mark) on the literature and goods of the third party. The BBKA strategic review intends to assess the options and opportunities available to it to develop its brand name and to develop others.

One such strategic relationship has been the BBKA policy of actively engaging with the plant protection industry in an attempt to improve stewardship of pesticides and agricultural practice to minimise damage to honey bees and to ensure that the views of beekeepers are taken into account in the development of pesticides and their application in the field.

This relationship started in the 1980's and has taken a number of forms, including sponsorship of the BBKA’s presence at the Royal Show and more recently, the BBKA has agreed to allow its logo to be used on four synthetic pyrethroid based products. These products on the basis of evidence provided and in conjunction with the stewardship activities of the supplying companies, appear to offer reduced risks for harm to honey bees when used correctly. The BBKA has received modest payments for these endorsements part of which covers the costs of administration and meetings held to engage with the companies. Positive developments that have come from this policy have included the inclusion of the BBKA 10 point guidelines into the UK Pesticide Guide, the so-called ‘Green Book’, published by BCPC and most importantly, significant reductions in bee colony losses attributed to pesticides, from the 100 or so per annum in the 1990s to the current negligible figures.

The four products currently subject to BBKA endorsement are today of declining commercial importance and the development of new classes of pesticide and application techniques means that the relationship with the plant protection industry should be reviewed. The way in which the BBKA will engage with the industry as a whole and individual companies will vary, but an example of the wider approach to be pursued is the co-operation over the production of the recently published Crop Protection Association (CPA) leaflet ‘Bee Safe, Bee Careful’ which bears the BBKA and NFU logos.

As a first step in the overall review of strategic relationships the BBKA Trustees have decided that it is time to broaden the range of engagement with the crop protection industry beyond the narrow focus of endorsing certain products; rather to contribute more directly to the development of new regulatory criteria for pesticide approval with the Chemicals Regulatory Directorate (CRD) and to further support the industry in the general move to improve countryside stewardship. For example, this might include promoting specific initiative such as nectar bars, tree planting and restoration of hedgerows.

Following discussion with the companies involved, the BBKA Trustees have decided that endorsement and related product specific payments will cease as soon as practically possible.

The Trustees do not preclude accepting funds in the future from either the crop protection industry in the guise of the CPA or individual companies nor other organisations involved in horticulture and agriculture, which are beneficiaries of honey bee activity. The Trustees have no specific funding proposals in mind at present, but for the sake of clarity do not wish to be constrained by any notion of working with one particular industry on a 'free' basis, whilst accepting funding from individual and other corporate members to fund its activities. For example the Trustees may wish to invite companies to fund a future research colloquium, to exhibit at the BBKA Spring Convention or make a contribution to the BBKA Research Fund.

As part of its strategic review the BBKA is developing a range of other products, including literature, a distinctive house style, sponsorship, logos and devices and wishes to be able to further develop these to maximise their impact and financial benefit. It is essential that any that any contractual arrangements made meets the requirements of the BBKA strategy for the coming years, with the overall aim of encouraging society to take measures which will help honey bees.

Martin Smith

BBKA President

16th November 2010

Sunday 5 September 2010

WBKA Minutes from February (!)


Minutes of the Council Meeting held at the Crown Centre, Devizes
On Friday, 19th February, 2010

1. The meeting began at 7.28pm. 22 members were present. As this was a large meeting the chairman suggested that members should introduce themselves to each other.
1.(a) Apologies were received from: D. Goldstone, T. Cooke, C .Wilks, Rev .R .Eardley,

1.(b) Items to be raised under AOB: None.

2. Minutes of the last meeting held on 20th November 2009 were read discussed and signed.

3. Matters arising: Graham Rendall wished to clarify that all members are to pay capitation fees. After discussion, the minutes were amended to read that all members would pay capitation fees IF they wished to take part in county activities.
Ross Gregory pointed out that the post of membership secretary should be listed with the other positions which are eligible for election. The minutes were amended and his name inserted at the appropriate place.
4. Nominations for secretary were sought. This nomination was postponed from the last meeting as the current secretary had been absent from that meeting.
The current secretary was re-elected unanimously. There were no other nominations.

5. Correspondence: 11 items of correspondence were presented Most of these letters were from other bee branches announcing interesting activities or training days. The entry forms for the Royal Bath and West of England Show would shortly be sent to the various branch secretaries. Information about the National Honey Show was presented

6. Reports from officers.

The date for the Field Day in 2010, clashes with the week of the Royal Bath and West of England Show. Therefore the Field Day has been postponed to 2011.
The decision to install Enthuse IT: Melksham branch has shown interest in this system, but wishes to further explore the possibilities before making a commitment. All other branches have decided against the system.

Ruth thanked Sally for taking, typing and distributing the minutes of the last meeting.

Graham reported that income had increased a little, and the Education fund had been used by most of the branches.
£569 had been spent on the AGM and Honey Show at Wootten Bassett, which was well within the budget of £1000.
£192 had been realized from advertisements in the Honey Bee Times
Graham was asked to do further research to find the best interest rates for our bank accounts. It was suggested that Barclays have a current scheme for 22% when monies are left for 5 years.
Details of the accounts can be seen on file, but the current balance is £11,494.

Alan reported that Tony Herbert had gained his microscopy certificate.
Six candidates were to sit modules on 20.03.10. at Bishops Cannings,
Anyone attempting the Basic module should notify Alan, as this can be taken at any time, as long as a working hive is available.

Honey Bee Times:
Sally reported that 305 HBT’s and 305 Year Books are available. Six advertisers have produced £192 for the funds. Thanks were expressed to Sally for this revenue.

7. Reports from delegates:

The organizers are trying to make cut backs, and do entries on line.
The show dates for this year are 2nd_5th June.
Chris needs volunteers to be stewards. The time slots are 9 to 1.30pm and 1pm to 5 30pm. Please contact Chris if you can do a session. Entries close on 23rd March.
West Wilts.must try hard to win the cup-----we need lots of entries, even if they don’t all win!

IBRA: Nothing to report. Sally is now the delegate not Graham.

SWJCC: This group has met twice since our last meeting.
Four new applications for membership have been made to the BBKA.
The financial state is good, the Healthy Bee Plan is continuing, and the Salisbury branch want to run a bee disease day. More information will be available at a later date.

8. ADM 2010: Graham reported that the BBKA will continue to endorse pesticides and engage in research as previously. This matter was discussed at length.
Various nominations were made for the executive board but our own Robert Carpenter Turner was not elected.
Thanks were expressed to Graham for attending this forum.

9. Honey Bee Times. The number of issues per year was reviewed. Some members wanted 4 issues, and others only 3 issues. After discussion it was decided unanimously that 4 issues was preferable. One abstention was registered namely David Newell. The question of who was to pay for the postage of HBT and the Year Book, was discussed. Should the branch or the county provide the postage? A proposal made by Pete Coleman and seconded by Roger Tilley, that the county should pay, was lost 7:9. The actual size of the HBT may have to be increased if more members contribute to each issue, so the postage would go up!

10. WBKA web site: Bob Berry maintains the web site, and suggests that it contain a calendar of events. The meeting agreed.
Sometimes people wish to advertise on the web site, and Bob would like guidance about the appropriateness of the advertisements. He is asking for guidelines. The chairman is to produce draft guidelines and circulate/bring to the next meeting for discussion.

11. The Harold Teal cup. Originally this cup was awarded to individuals, but recently it has been presented to a branch. Research is required to define the original parameters for awarding the cup. The secretary clarified that the cup is named after Harold NOT Howard, Teal.

12. The chairman of the AGM. The present chairman of WBKA clarified that after the 2010 AGM, the chairman would serve for two years only, and a new chairman would have to be found after this period.

13. .County Honey Show. This year the honey show is to be held in Melksham, on Saturday 16th October 2010. The venue will be in Bowerhill. The show will take a similar format to the 2009 show at Wootten Bassett. The chairman proposed that a similar amount of money be available for this show as had been available for the 2009 show namely £1,000. This proposition was seconded by Alan Ridout and carried unanimously.

14. Bee Craft: Nothing to report.

15. Any other business: None.

16. Dates of the next meetings: 21st May, 10th September, 26th. November

The meeting closed at 9.27pm

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Bees Abroad

I didn't get this chap's name. Can anyone supply it?

This blog is not just for photos

If you want to publish an article on a beekeeping topic on this blog, let me know.

It could be:
  • what you have found successful
  • mistakes you have made that you want to pass on
  • humorous disasters (we've all been there!)
This may be a better place than Beelines to publish that long article you have been wanting to write.

The hotdog team

I love the aprons. Where did they come from? Can I buy one?
And the sausages were terrific. It makes a big difference. Many events would have bought the cheapest, we bought the best.

Six Wise Men

Well, that's what Chris Jackson had titled the photo when he sent it to me.

Photos from the recent Bee and Honey day

Just because Cryer Junior is such a sweetie.

Want to be a blogger?

At the moment, I am the only author permitted to post articles to this blog.

If you want to post articles, let me know and I will add you to the list of authors.

Invitation to read

I have invited all members (full and associate) who have supplied email addresses.

Only those that accept the invitations can read this blog.

Welcome to Melksham and District Beekeepers Association

This blog is for the enjoyment of the members of MBKA.

You can view it by invitation only.

Please email stephen.beelines@summers.org.uk to be invited.