What this blog is for

Items that don't get published in Beelines, photos that are interesting but for which there is not enough room in Beelines, minutes of meetings that are too dull/long to report in Beelines.

Monday 31 October 2011

Honey Show 2011 results

Thanks to Liz Taylor for the results spreadsheet.


3 points = 1st
2 points - 2nd
1 point = 3rd
Highly commended
1lb light run honey.
Colin Taylor
Sue Drinkwater
Den Matthews
Jayne Ranger
1lb Medium Run Honey
Chris Rawlings
William Arney
Liz Taylor

1lb Dark Honey
Chris Rawlings
Anne Rowberry

1lb Soft Set Honey

Anne Rowberry

Novice Honey
Sue Drinkwater
Roger Froud
Angie Hulin
Ruth Woodhouse
1lb Chunk honey
Liz Taylor
Chris Rawlings
Colin Taylor

Honey judged on flavour
Mary White
Pete Morgan
Shona Williams
Deb. Scheebeli
1 Cut comb
Chris Rawlings
Anne Rowberry

Frame for Extraction
Colin Taylor
Chris Rawlings
3rdShona Williams

Dry Mead
Jon Newsham
Bob Needs
Liz Taylor

Sweet Mead
Jon Newsham
Chris Rawlings
Liz Taylor

Beeswax Furniture Polish
Pete Colegate

Mark Cannings

Beeswax furniture Cream
Colin Taylor
Bob Needs
Liz Taylor

Beeswax Plain Mould
Anne Rowberry
Chris Rawlings
Deb. Schneebeli
Mary White
Pair Beeswax Candles
Chris Rawlings
Liz Taylor
Anne Rowberry

Beeswax Candle In DS
Liz Taylor
Colin Taylor
Chris Rawlings

6 Bee Products
Jon Newsham
Anne Rowberry
Liz Taylor

6 Honey cookies
Bob Needs
Philip Brown
Chris Rawlings
Liz Taylor
12 Honey sweets
Anne Rowberry
Mark Cannings
Colin Taylor

Honey Gingerbread
Joy Riley
Caroline Morison
Bob Needs

Angie Hulin
Anne Rowberry
Shona Williams

Ann Cox
Liz Taylor
Anne Rowberry

Shona Williams
Jayne Ranger
Liz Taylor

Sunday 30 October 2011

Minutes of Committee meeting: October 10th


PRESENT: Ruth Woodhouse (in the Chair), Martin Ellis, Den Matthews, Jon Newsam, Hazel Simons, Mary White and Brian Wilson.

64/2011 APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received from Andy Farebrother.

65/2011 MINUTES: The Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed as a correct record, following one minor amendment.

66/2011 MATTERS ARISING: (a) Forthcoming Events: No suggestions made.

(b) Theft From the Apiary: No contact had been made by the College and the secretary was instructed to write to them to inform them of the theft with a request for their return within seven days before informing the Police. Lackham personnel had been seen removing gravel from the site. Action: Hazel

67/2011 TREASURER’S REPORT: Mary reported the sum of £8,724.17 in the Bank. Membership details had been sent out for the new year and the subscription fee had been increased to £33.00 including insurance. This was as a result of BBKA increasing their subscription from £14.00 to £15.00 and the WBKA increasing theirs from £3.75 to £6.00. The latter had given funds away for the Course in the Box and because they had paid examination fees and this had reduced their funds. No future examination fees would be claimable. A discussion followed and members of the Committee were encouraged by the Chair to attend WBKA meetings to pass comment. Brian joined the meeting at this point. The amount held in the Bank was unusually high because of the income from the sale of the Pavilion. Jon suggested the Club should be purchasing a plot of land, but Ruth said that this had been discussed before and it was felt £25,000 would be needed for a plot. She felt the funds would be needed in the apiary in the future while Den thought the membership should be consulted. Mary felt that members should pay for their examination fees. WBKA had spoken to Fred Swift concerning his website and Ruth said new members should contact Committee members of MBKA before purchasing equipment. Jackie would be maintaining the MBKA website. Mary had encouraged members this year to pay subscriptions direct into the Bank.

68/2011 NEXT YEAR’S PROGRAMME: Various subjects were proposed including: Setting up a website, Creating a Bee Friendly Garden, the Barefoot Beekeeper, Wiltshire Wildlife, Microscopy and Insects. Martin would show a method of making a frame feeder at the AGM. Ruth suggested approaching speakers at the WBKA AGM and Brian thought that beekeeping modules could form the basis for a speaker and someone who had gone through the system could give a talk. Brian offered to talk to a contact at BBKA about this. It was suggested that July could be a visit, August would be the Bee and Honey Day and a social Barbecue. It would be useful to have a speaker from Trading Standards about Quality Assurance and perhaps a speaker on Forensics. Action: Martin

69/2011 NEXT YEAR’S COMMITTEE: Steve, Andy and Den would be standing down. Henry Russell would be Treasurer as Mary would be relinquishing this post to concentrate on Membership Secretary duties. Patrick Kelly would become the Newsletter Editor. Hazel was instructed to send out a letter to the members inviting nominations for the Committee. It was planned to have a cheese and wine social and Martin would give his frame feeder demonstration. Caroline Morison would be a good nomination. Ruth mentioned that she had been approached by a student undertaking bee research who wanted to issue a Press Release which she would circulate round the Committee before approval. Action: Hazel, Ruth

70/2011 EXTRA SHED IN THE APIARY: At the present time the two buildings were inadequate to contain all the equipment. The 6 x 4 was housing the mower, strimmer and garden tools. The 6 x 8 was holding all the hive equipment. Racking and shelving would be needed and a larger shed rather than using a loose box for storage which would cost £50 a month. Martin undertook to obtain a price for a substantial shed and he would be able to install the base with Den’s assistance. This was agreed. Den would discuss a 2m x 3m shed with John Butler. Action: Den, Martin

71/2011 CHEESE & WINE FOR THE AGM: Martin would take Caroline to Bookers. Action: Martin

72/2011 ANY OTHER BUSINESS: (a) Patrick Anderson: Mary spoke about his involvement with Westlea Housing Association and read a note from Patrick about equipment he was holding for Westlea. They had spent £455 on bee equipment and had paid £200 to the Club for guidance. Hazel was instructed to write apologising for the confusion and offering the new apiary where we would be prepared to guide and instruct anyone interested in bee-keeping. Mary felt they should be asked if they wished the £200 to be returned. Brian felt they should be asked what they plan to do and whether we could provide it. Action: Hazel

(b) Honey Extraction Demonstration: Following discussion Hazel was instructed to write to Kennet Branch who were hosting the County Show, to say that there was no honey and no Committee members available for the day. Nobody would be able to provide a stall. Action: Hazel

(c) Melksham Area Board: Martin undertook to go to this event on 3rd November and Hazel would send him details.

(d) Melksham Climate Friendly Group Newsletter: Hazel was asked to reply seeking publicity for our next Bee & Honey Day. Action: Hazel

(e) Moving the Apiary: Mary asked if those working on the moving of the Apiary could be recompensed, at least for mileage, and this was thought appropriate. Those concerned were Den, Henry Russell and Mrs. Russell together with Pete Colegate. Action: Mary

(f) Press Officer: Hazel was requested to write to Mark Fife to ask if he could become the Club’s Press Officer. Action: Mary

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 10.00 p.m.


Tuesday 11 October 2011

Phil Chandler's Audio Book


I have been asked a number of times for more audio material, so for those of you who like to listen rather than read, I have published an audio book called 'Natural Beekeeping For Gardeners', which is available exclusively from here - http://tinyurl.com/5wrq7n3

You can also listen to my podcasts for free at http://biobees.libsyn.com and on Stitcher Radio, iTunes, Android, etc - just search for 'barefoot beekeeper'.

Schumacher College beekeeping courses

Dear BeeAlert Subscriber,

I hope your summer was a good one. Or if you are in the southern hemisphere - I hope it will be a good one. Here we had a long mid-season drought that resulted in low nectar yields and a need to feed bees to prevent starvation. Now we have a good deal of rain, with hopes of something useful from the ivy before the season finally ends.

There are still some places left in October for an exciting five-day course 'Bees: a Gateway Into Nature' at Schumacher College in South Devon, UK. This is an opportunity to spend time with Brigit Strawbridge (wild bee enthusiast); Graham White (environmental writer and photographer); me (Phil Chandler) and via video link, Professor Jurgen Tautz, author of The Buzz About Bees: Biology of a Superorganism.

Schumacher College has put together a course that brings together scientists, beekeepers and campaigners to present a holistic perspective on the world of bees. Participants will gain the opportunity to find out about the behaviour of bees and what they can teach us about the natural world – and ourselves.

The cost has now been reduced to £450 and includes tuition, accommodation, all food and a field trip to Buckfast Abbey. There will be plenty of opportunities to discuss ideas and issues with tutors and others on the course. Schumacher courses are of renowned quality and attract students from around the world.

For more information and booking - http://www.schumachercollege.org.uk/courses/bees-a-gateway-into-nature

Happy beekeeping!

Phil Chandler
