What this blog is for

Items that don't get published in Beelines, photos that are interesting but for which there is not enough room in Beelines, minutes of meetings that are too dull/long to report in Beelines.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Chris Jackson sent me this

Friday, 24 December 2010 15:35 Written by Analia Manriquez

One of the pre-requisites of getting the party on during the festive season is to get drunk. Though, there is a problem with getting a little too drunk. Apparently, the next morning is not always a good one, a hammering headache, a dried up mouth, those are just a few things that make hungover mornings so miserable. However, a recently conducted research by scientists at The Royal Society of Chemistry have stated that honey on toast is the best way to get rid of that feeling of a jackhammer drilling through your head. The scientists involved in the study have explained that the natural sweetener is the best possible way to treat toxins in the body.

Apparently, honey happens to contain fructose, which helps in dissolving alcohol by breaking it into harmless byproducts.

Talking about the reason behind headaches and the giddiness, One of the researchers involved in the study, Dr. John Emsley of The Royal Society of Chemistry said that alcohol results in the happy feeling. However, it is the byproduct of alcohol, acetaldehyde, which causes the hangover. It is only after the breakdown of the toxic acetaldehyde that the hangover comes to an end.

The richness of potassium and sodium help in the body's capability to combat the alcoholic toxins. Apart from the honey, another thing that helps with a hangover is milk, while clear alcoholic drinks like a gin also help reducing the intensity of hangovers.

Sunday 6 February 2011

West Sussex Auction

Dear Fellow Beekeeper

With the new beekeeping season fast approaching the West Sussex Beekeepers’ Association is again holding its annual Bee Market and Auction for the benefit of members and non members.

The event will take place at Chichester College's Brinsbury Campus in Pulborough on Saturday 30th April.

For further details visit the West Sussex BKA website www.britishbee.org.uk/local/westsussex/auction or contact me by email or phone 01403 752493.

A copy of the Auction flyer and entry form are on the website.

Paynes Southdown Bee Farms will again be in attendance. Any orders placed with them online before 30 April may be collected from their stand at Brinsbury. www.paynesbeefarm.co.uk

Please ensure you indicate collection will be from Brinsbury when placing your order.