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Items that don't get published in Beelines, photos that are interesting but for which there is not enough room in Beelines, minutes of meetings that are too dull/long to report in Beelines.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Minutes of September 2011 committee meeting


PRESENT: Ruth Woodhouse (in the Chair), Martin Ellis, Andrew Farebrother, Den Matthews, Jon Newsam, Joy Riley, Hazel Simons, Steve Summers, Mary White and Brian Wilson.

55/2011 APOLOGIES: None.

56/2011 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING:The Minutes of the previous meeting, having been approved, were signed as a correct record.

57/2011 MATTERS ARISING: None.

58/2011 TREASURER’S REPORT: Mary reported a balance in the Bank of £8,703.55 with membership at an all-time high of 140, with new members waiting to join in October.

59/2011 REVIEW OF BEE AND HONEY DAY: It was agreed that several sales areas suffered as a result of Kennet Branch running parallel attractions, e.g. candle rolling and honey sales. The Barbecue did well, but also lost money because of over-purchasing caused by figures not being available until the eve of the show. The pricing of cakes had been disproportionate and some whole cakes had been sold very cheaply. The raffle had gone well with visitors seeking out tickets to buy. Once again the children’s corner had been very popular and as items from the Scrapstore could not be charged for, this left parents with more money to spend elsewhere. Jon suggested that members selling honey without attending the day should be charged 5% by the Club.

Mary suggested that the difference in the catering figures from last year could have been because Mary Bradshaw used her own equipment. Martin pointed out that cake cloches and signs that had been purchased could be used again next year; it was agreed that the signs contributed to the fifteen hundred attendance. The hire of tables was a new expense and following discussion, it was agreed that next year it would be better to seek out someone with a van to bring in tables and chairs from the Village Hall at Broughton Gifford for a proposed sum of £50. The day had been a success, but the mistakes made meant a better event next year.

The layout of the grounds was preferred to 2010 and the National Trust had appreciated members laying out and taking down. The catering group had done sterling work and Brian wanted to thank them at the next Branch Meeting. He suggested the Club request a cash donation from stall holders, but this was not possible under the auspices of the National Trust. Some volunteers had worked through all day despite a timed rota being compiled by Martin. It was noted that members who were not volunteering would have found it an expensive event to visit and Joy suggested perhaps the Trust could charge half price to members. The ice cream salesman had done well, but the placing of Kennet alongside had drawn people in that direction. Den pointed out that some time ago he had queried Kennet’s attendance as it should be emphasised that it was Melksham Club’s showpiece. It was agreed that Mead and Honey tasting should be closer to sales. Steve thought the honey tasting had made a great difference to honey sales; he had produced a spreadsheet which would assist organisation of honey sales next year. Martin suggested coloured stickers on the honey jars could assist organising sales. Brian left the meeting at this point.

With the National Trust opening at 10.30, this had forced our gate open then. Stalls for next year included Tombola and a brica-brac stall, perhaps on a sale or return basis. Andy suggested counting people through the gate and handing out flyers with MBKA information on one side and a plan layout on the other. Action: Brian

60/2011 REMOVAL OF APIARY PAVILION: No progress had been made except messages left. It was agreed that a very good price had been paid for the pavilion and also for the mower.

61/2011 FORTHCOMING EVENTS: Ruth requested a planned programme for events to be available for the next meeting on the 7th November and Joy agreed to help Martin with this. A discussion followed concerning the decision-making process and it was agreed that if at all possible these should be made at meetings of the Committee, but if this failed, it would be a matter of the Chair making the decision. Action: Joy and Martin

62/2011 HONEY SHOW: Mary and Liz Taylor had worked together in organising this and the information had been sent out to members. The Committee expressed their appreciation to Mary for taking this matter in hand. A discussion followed concerning the trophies which were all showing signs of wear and were felt to be out-dated. It was agreed to start a system of certificates this year with vouchers up to a total of £100 which would replace the four cups/shield and could be spent with Chris Rawlings. Mary would enquire what time the Hall could be accessed, Joy and Martin would discuss a speaker and refreshments would be in the form of tea and biscuits. Action: Mary, Joy and Martin.

63/2011 a) Casualties: Only two casualties occurred at the Bee & Honey Day: one person fainted and another received a wasp sting on the head.

(b) Beelines: Steve would be handing over Beelines at the AGM. He reported that Patrick and Anna Kelly had been very good at printing the magazine and he would approach Patrick about taking on the editor’s chair. Action: Steve

(c) AGM: Nominations for places on the Committee would be needed for the AGM: Den would be resigning, but had approached Henry Russell for the post of Treasurer.

(d) Apiary Move: Den reported that he would be moving the small shed and the apiary team would be moving the concrete slabs. Action: Den, Martin and Jon.

(d) Westlea Housing: Ruth had received an e-mail from Patrick Anderson asking if the Committee wanted him to carry on working with Westlea on their behalf. It was agreed that more information was needed and the paper was passed to Mary. Action: Mary

(e) Event at Tilshead: Hazel had undertaken that MBKA would be represented at this event on 4th June next year; an observation hive and candle rolling with possibly honey sales had been welcomed and £20 travel expenses would be paid to the member transporting the bees.

(f) Review: Den reported that a review of the Bee & Honey Day had been carried out with the National Trust the previous year. Ruth requested that Hazel e-mail Brian with a request that he and two other members of the Committee attend a meeting to be arranged with the National Trust. Action: Hazel, Brian.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.15 p.m.

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