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Items that don't get published in Beelines, photos that are interesting but for which there is not enough room in Beelines, minutes of meetings that are too dull/long to report in Beelines.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

WBKA AGM Minutes September 2010


Minutes of the annual general meeting held in Bowerhill Hall, Melksham, on Saturday 16th October, 2010, commencing at 12.15pm.

Present and officiating:

Chairman of the meeting The President Michael Farrar

Vice-Chairman of the Association Dennis Simpson

Treasurer Graham Rendall

Deputising Secretary Ross Gregory

38 Members and friends recorded their attendance.

Business followed the agenda below:

1) The chairman welcomed members and friends and asked if any items of business other than those on the agenda were to be brought forward. No extra items were suggested.

2) Apologies were received from: Jerry Wickham, Ruth Woodhouse, Kevin Horner, Chris Wilks, Tony Herbert, Sue & Clive Harris.

3) The minutes of the 2009 AGM were taken as read, approved and signed.

4) Matters arising. There were no matters arising.

5) Correspondence. None specific to the meeting

6) Chairman’s report.

Dennis Simpson read out the report provided by Jerry Wickham. The following points were made in the report (full report on file):

a) Jerry apologised for not being present.

b) Jerry noted that all branches have increased membership and thanked all who have given up much time to help and train the newcomers

c) Last year Twickenham had sought Wiltshire’s support for their proposal at the ADM. Following the defeat of the proposal at the ADM, Twickenham had sought Wiltshire’s support for a similar proposal. Only two branches provided Jerry with a response. Consequently, Jerry informed Twickenham that Wiltshire could not support their proposal.

d) There are a number of ‘talented’ honey show exhibitors in the county. Some were successful at the National Honey Show. As a result of a concerted effort by many members of branches Wiltshire regained the trophy at the Royal Bath and West Show.

e) We all need to take on new ideas and concepts concerning bee husbandry and disease control.

f) This was the first year in his 6 years of beekeeping he has been notified that spraying would take place. He wonders why he isn’t advised more often. We need to have a sensible and constructive relationship with the spraying fraternity.

g) His 2-year term as Chairman comes to an end shortly and thanked all members of Council for their work and support provided to him.

Ron Hoskins proposed, and seconded by Bill Clark, that the Chairman’s report be accepted. It was accepted unanimously.

7. Treasurer’s report.

Graham Rendall presented his report. The main points being:

a) The membership has increased from 297 in 2009 to 384 in 2010.

b) HoneyBee Times has cost a bit more this year but with bigger membership and four editions of the magazine have been produced this year with part colour.

c) Swindon put on an improved AGM and Honey Show with top speakers. Refund of examination fees continues.

d) All branches have taken advantage of the funding for books and other educational items, though two have not yet utilised the maximum of £300.

e) The balance of the accounts is reduced to £11,201 from £12,623 last year.

f) Membership numbers are up, so he recommended that County capitation can stay the same for the coming year.

g) Branch treasurers thanked for their cooperation in sending him the capitation payments promptly.

A full treasurer’s report can be seen in the file, and may be inspected if desired.

Bill Clark proposed, and Roger Tilley seconded that the report be accepted. It was duly accepted unanimously.

8. Election of officers.

President: Mike Farrar

Re-elected: proposed by Bill Clark, seconded by Ross Gregory


Bill Clark proposed, seconded by Arthur Goodhead, that Ron Hoskins be elected to Vice-President as mark of his contribution to beekeeping to join Sir Maurice Johnston and Robin Chapman. This was accepted unanimously by the meeting.

Auditor: Graham Rendall proposed that the current auditor, Rev. Robert Earley who also audits Salisbury Branch accounts, continue as auditor. This was seconded by Arthur Goodhead and Ron Hoskins and accepted unanimously.

9. The Harold Teal cup was awarded by the Chairman to Swindon branch in recognition of the wide publicity given to beekeeping by Ron Hoskins’ project and the ongoing work the branch does. The cup was presented by the President to Ron Hoskins, who is President of the Swindon Branch.

10. AOB No other business was proposed and the meeting closed at 12.40p.m.


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